Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Mortality and it's measurements

 The population death rate is a statistical measure that represents the number of deaths per unit of the population in a particular region or period. It is one of the key indicators used by governments, healthcare organizations, and researchers to evaluate the health status of a population. Here are some of the most commonly used measures of population death rate:

1. Crude death rate (CDR): Crude death rate is a statistical measure that represents the number of deaths per unit of the population in a particular region or period. It is calculated by dividing the number of deaths in a given year by the total population and multiplying by 1000. The formula for crude death rate is:

Crude death rate = (Number of deaths / Total population) x 1000

For example, if a country with a population of 50 million records 500,000 deaths in a year, the crude death rate would be:

Crude death rate = (500,000 / 50,000,000) x 1000 = 10

Therefore, the crude death rate in this country would be 10 deaths per 1000 population.

Crude death rate is a simple and widely used measure of population death rate, but it does not take into account differences in age or other factors that can affect mortality rates. Age-specific death rates and standardised death rates are other measures that are used to account for these differences.


Simple calculation: Crude death rate is a straightforward and easy-to-calculate measure of population death rate, requiring only two pieces of data: the number of deaths and the total population.

Easy to understand: The concept of crude death rate is easy to understand and communicate to the general public, making it a useful tool for public health communication and advocacy.

Useful for comparing populations: Crude death rate can be used to compare the mortality rates of different populations, such as countries, regions, or ethnic groups, to identify areas of concern and to inform public health policy and programs.


Limited information: Crude death rate provides only limited information about the underlying causes and risk factors for mortality in a population. It does not take into account differences in age, sex, race, or other demographic factors that can affect mortality rates.

Sensitive to population structure: Crude death rate can be influenced by changes in the age structure of a population, making it difficult to compare mortality rates over time or between populations with different age distributions.

Not adjusted for under-reporting: Crude death rate is based on officially reported deaths and may not reflect the true number of deaths in a population if deaths are under-reported, particularly in low-income and resource-constrained settings.

May mask inequalities: Crude death rate can mask inequalities in mortality rates among subgroups within a population, such as by race, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. Therefore, it is important to use other measures, such as age-specific death rates and standardised death rates, to account for these differences.

2. Age-specific death rate (ASDR): Age-specific death rate is a measure of mortality that is calculated for specific age groups in a population. It is the number of deaths occurring in a specific age group per unit of population in the same age group, expressed as a rate per 1,000 or 100,000 population.

The formula for age-specific death rate is:

Age-specific death rate = (Number of deaths in a specific age group / Total population in the same age group) x 1000 or 100,000

For example, if a population has 10,000 people aged 20-24 and 50 deaths occur in that age group during a given year, the age-specific death rate for the 20-24 age group would be:

Age-specific death rate = (50 / 10,000) x 1,000 = 5

Therefore, the age-specific death rate for the 20-24 age group would be 5 deaths per 1,000 population in that age group.

Age-specific death rates are useful for identifying age-related patterns of mortality and for comparing mortality rates among different age groups in a population. They can help to identify age-specific health issues and to target public health interventions to specific age groups. They are often used in conjunction with other measures of mortality, such as crude death rate and standardised death rate, to provide a more comprehensive picture of mortality in a population.


Provides detailed information: Age-specific death rates provide detailed information about mortality patterns within different age groups, which can be useful for identifying age-related health issues and developing targeted public health interventions.

Can identify trends over time: Age-specific death rates can be used to identify trends in mortality rates within different age groups over time, which can help to inform public health policy and programs.

Useful for comparative analysis: Age-specific death rates can be used to compare mortality rates between different age groups within a population or between populations, which can be helpful for identifying areas of concern and informing public health policy and programs.


Limited information on underlying causes: Age-specific death rates provide information on mortality rates within specific age groups, but do not provide information on the underlying causes of death, which can limit their usefulness in developing targeted interventions.

May not account for age distribution: Age-specific death rates may not account for differences in age distribution between populations, which can make it difficult to compare mortality rates between populations.

Can be affected by small sample sizes: Age-specific death rates may be affected by small sample sizes within specific age groups, which can result in unreliable estimates of mortality rates.

3. Standardised death rate (SDR): The standardised death rate is a measure that takes into account the age distribution of a population to allow for comparison of death rates between populations with different age structures. It is calculated by applying age-specific death rates to a standard population and then summing up the results. 

The formula for standardised death rate is:

Standardised death rate = Σ (Age-specific death rate x Standard population in age group) / Total standard population

For example, if we want to compare the death rates of two countries, one with a relatively younger population and the other with an older population, we can calculate the standardised death rate using a standard population with a known age structure, such as the World Health Organization's World Standard Population. 

4. Infant mortality rate (IMR): Infant mortality rate is a measure of the number of deaths of infants under one year of age per 1,000 live births in a given year. It is a key indicator of the overall health and well-being of a population, as it reflects the availability and quality of healthcare services, nutrition, sanitation, and other factors that affect infant survival.

The formula for infant mortality rate is:

Infant mortality rate = (Number of deaths of infants under one year of age / Number of live births) x 1,000

For example, if a country records 10,000 live births in a year and 100 deaths of infants under one year of age, the infant mortality rate would be:

Infant mortality rate = (100 / 10,000) x 1,000 = 10

Therefore, the infant mortality rate in this country would be 10 deaths per 1,000 live births.

Infant mortality rate is an important measure of the health of a population, and it is commonly used to compare the health outcomes of different countries or regions. It is also useful for identifying areas of concern and for monitoring progress in reducing infant mortality rates over time.


Infant mortality refers to the death of infants under the age of one year. There are different types of infant mortality based on the age and cause of death. Some of the different types of infant mortality are:

Neonatal mortality: This refers to the death of infants within the first 28 days of life, also known as the neonatal period. Neonatal mortality can be further divided into early neonatal mortality (death within the first seven days of life) and late neonatal mortality (death between 7 and 28 days of life).

Post-neonatal mortality: This refers to the death of infants between 28 days and one year of age. Post-neonatal mortality is often associated with environmental factors, such as infections, malnutrition, and unsafe living conditions.

Perinatal mortality: This refers to the death of infants during the perinatal period, which includes the last trimester of pregnancy and the first week of life. Perinatal mortality includes both fetal deaths (stillbirths) and neonatal deaths.

Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID): This refers to the unexpected death of an infant under one year of age, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), accidental suffocation, and unknown causes.

Congenital malformations: This refers to deaths due to congenital anomalies, which are structural or functional abnormalities that are present at birth. Congenital malformations are a common cause of infant mortality and can be caused by genetic or environmental factors.

Infections: Infections, such as pneumonia, diarrhea, and sepsis, are a major cause of infant mortality, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries.

Determinants of infant Mortality:

Infant mortality rate is influenced by various determinants, which are factors or conditions that can affect the health and well-being of infants and contribute to their risk of dying before their first birthday. Some of the key determinants of infant mortality rate include:

Access to quality healthcare: Access to quality healthcare, including prenatal care, skilled attendance at birth, and postnatal care, can significantly impact infant mortality rate. Adequate healthcare during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as timely diagnosis and treatment of illnesses and conditions in newborns, can greatly reduce the risk of infant mortality.

Maternal health: The health and well-being of the mother during pregnancy and childbirth can affect the health of the newborn. Maternal factors such as maternal age, pre-existing health conditions, nutrition, and lifestyle choices (such as tobacco or alcohol use) can impact the risk of infant mortality.

Socioeconomic status: Socioeconomic status, including income, education, and occupation, can influence infant mortality rate. Higher levels of socioeconomic status are generally associated with better access to healthcare, nutrition, and social support, which can reduce the risk of infant mortality.

Nutrition: Adequate maternal and infant nutrition, including breastfeeding and appropriate complementary feeding, is crucial for infant health and can impact the risk of infant mortality. Malnutrition during pregnancy, inadequate breastfeeding, and poor infant nutrition can increase the risk of infant mortality.

Environmental factors: Environmental factors, such as access to clean water, sanitation, and safe housing, can impact infant health and mortality. Poor environmental conditions, including exposure to pollution, infectious diseases, and unsafe living conditions, can increase the risk of infant mortality.

Social and behavioural factors: Social and behavioural factors, such as maternal smoking during pregnancy, substance abuse, lack of prenatal care, and unsafe sleep practices, can impact infant health and increase the risk of infant mortality.

Birth weight and gestational age: Low birth weight and premature birth are significant risk factors for infant mortality. Infants born with low birth weight or preterm are more vulnerable to health complications and have a higher risk of mortality.

Access to education and information: Access to education and information, including health literacy and awareness about safe infant care practices, can impact infant health and reduce the risk of mortality.

These are some of the key determinants that can influence infant mortality rate. Addressing these determinants through comprehensive and coordinated efforts, including improved healthcare access, nutrition, environmental conditions, social support, and health education, can help reduce infant mortality rates and improve the overall health and well-being of infants.

Socio-economic importance of infant mortality rate

Infant mortality rate (IMR) is an important socio-economic indicator that provides valuable information about the health and well-being of a population, as well as the social and economic conditions that affect the survival of infants. Here are some of the socio-economic implications of infant mortality rate:

Economic productivity: High infant mortality rates can have a negative impact on economic productivity. When infants die, the loss of potential future workers can have a significant impact on the economy, as well as the social and economic well-being of families and communities.

Healthcare system: High infant mortality rates can also indicate weaknesses in the healthcare system, including insufficient access to healthcare, inadequate prenatal and postnatal care, and inadequate treatment of illnesses and conditions in newborns. Improving access to quality healthcare services and reducing infant mortality rates can help strengthen the healthcare system and improve overall health outcomes.

Poverty and inequality: Infant mortality rates are often higher among socio-economically disadvantaged groups, including those living in poverty, with limited education, and in rural or remote areas. High infant mortality rates can perpetuate poverty and inequality, and addressing the underlying social and economic determinants of infant mortality is crucial for reducing disparities and promoting health equity.

Public health interventions: Reducing infant mortality rates is a priority for public health interventions and policy development. Improving maternal and child health, enhancing access to healthcare services, improving nutrition and sanitation, and addressing environmental factors that impact infant health are all important strategies for reducing infant mortality rates.

Global development: Infant mortality rates are a key indicator of progress towards global development goals, including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to promote health and well-being for all people. Improving infant mortality rates is an important component of global efforts to reduce poverty, inequality, and promote sustainable development.

In summary, infant mortality rate is a critical socio-economic indicator that provides valuable information about the health and well-being of populations. High infant mortality rates can have significant negative implications for economic productivity, healthcare systems, poverty and inequality, and global development. Reducing infant mortality rates through targeted public health interventions and policy development is crucial for promoting health and well-being for all.

5. Maternal mortality Rates (MMR): Maternal mortality rate (MMR) is the number of maternal deaths (deaths of women due to pregnancy or childbirth-related complications) per 100,000 live births in a given time period. Maternal mortality rate is an important indicator of the quality of maternal healthcare and the overall health status of women in a population. Here is the equation for calculating maternal mortality rate:

Maternal Mortality Rate = (Number of maternal deaths / Number of live births) x 100,000

For example, if there were 500 maternal deaths and 100,000 live births in a given year, the maternal mortality rate would be:

MMR = (500 / 100,000) x 100,000 = 500

This means that there were 500 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births.

Maternal mortality rate can also be calculated by specific age groups or by specific causes of death. For example, we can calculate the maternal mortality rate for women aged 15-19 years or for women who died due to postpartum hemorrhage. This information can help identify the specific groups or causes of maternal mortality that need targeted interventions and resources. 

Reducing maternal mortality rate is a global priority, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include a target to reduce the global maternal mortality rate to less than 70 per 100,000 live births by 2030. Improving access to quality maternal healthcare services, enhancing emergency obstetric care, and addressing social and economic determinants of maternal health are all important strategies for reducing maternal mortality rates.

Factors determining maternal mortality Rate: 

Maternal mortality is defined as the death of a woman due to pregnancy-related complications during pregnancy, childbirth, or within 42 days of delivery. The causes of maternal mortality can vary depending on various factors such as the age of the mother, the quality of healthcare services available, and the socioeconomic status of the mother. Here are some of the most common causes of maternal mortality:

Quality of healthcare:

Access to quality healthcare services: Access to quality healthcare services, including skilled medical professionals and necessary medical equipment and supplies, is critical in preventing maternal mortality.

Timely and appropriate medical care: Timely and appropriate medical care is essential in addressing pregnancy-related complications and preventing maternal mortality.

Haemorrhage: Severe bleeding during childbirth, often due to complications during labour or delivery, is a major cause of maternal mortality.

Unsafe abortion: Unsafe abortion procedures can lead to severe complications and maternal death.

Obstructed labour: Prolonged or obstructed labour can lead to maternal death if not managed appropriately.

Embolism: Blood clots, such as pulmonary embolism or amniotic fluid embolism, can cause sudden maternal death.

Infection: Infections, such as sepsis, pneumonia, or urinary tract infections, can occur during pregnancy or after childbirth and can lead to maternal death.

Physiological factors

Hypertensive disorders: High blood pressure during pregnancy, such as preeclampsia or eclampsia, can lead to maternal mortality if left untreated.

Anaemia: Severe anaemia can lead to complications during childbirth and increase the risk of maternal mortality.

Pre-existing medical conditions: Pre-existing medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, or HIV/AIDS, can increase the risk of maternal mortality.

Pregnancy-related complications: Complications during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum can increase the risk of maternal mortality.

Socioeconomic factors: 

Women from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to experience complications during pregnancy and childbirth, and are therefore at higher risk of maternal mortality. Here are some of the socioeconomic factors that can contribute to maternal mortality:

Poverty: Women who live in poverty may not have access to adequate healthcare services or may delay seeking care due to financial constraints. They may also have poor nutrition, which can lead to pregnancy complications.

Lack of education: Women who have lower levels of education may be less likely to seek healthcare services or may not have the knowledge needed to manage pregnancy complications.

Limited access to healthcare: Women who live in rural or remote areas may have limited access to healthcare facilities or may not be able to afford transportation to these facilities.

Maternal age: Older women and teenage mothers are at higher risk of pregnancy-related complications and maternal mortality.

Discrimination: Women who belong to certain ethnic or racial groups, or who have certain cultural or religious beliefs, may face discrimination or barriers to accessing healthcare services.

Gender inequality: Women who live in societies where gender inequality is prevalent may not have control over their reproductive health or may face violence and abuse.

Lack of family planning: Women who do not have access to family planning services may experience unintended pregnancies, which can increase the risk of pregnancy complications and maternal mortality.

Preventing maternal mortality requires a multifaceted approach that includes improving access to quality maternal healthcare services, addressing social and economic determinants of maternal health, and promoting healthy behaviours and lifestyles during pregnancy.

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