Tuesday, May 03, 2022

What are the problems faced by government run/sponsored schools of India and West Bengal?

Government run schools are very important for a developing country like India to increase the educational status of its people. India is a poverty-stricken developing country who needs to extend its social services like health and education to the poor to escape themselves from poverty. It helps the country to increase its human development status also. But the situation of the state government run/ sponsored schools is very frustrating which needs immediate attention and remedial measures. A couples of problems are visible in those schools.

The problems are identified by- Quazi Nahid Ahamed, B. Tech Engineer.

Lack of proper infrastructure: Most of the schools of our country doesn't have proper infrastructure like blackboard, drinking water, sanitary facilities, toilets etc.

In today's competitive world all schools need modern facilities like digital board, projector machines etc. But in government schools the basic facilities also are not available to support their students.

Lack of trained Teachers: Most of the teachers of government schools are recruited by competitive exams like teachers’ eligibility test. They have the training needed to be a school teacher like bachelor's in education (B.Ed.) and diploma in education (Dl. Ed). These trainings focus more on bookish knowledge rather than practical experience. In the practice teachings the teachers are well trained on practical classes but they always show unwillingness when the implementation is needed. After getting the job of permanent school teachers their dedication towards their jobs decrease a lot.

Lack of Management: 

Lack of engagement of successful Alumni: 

Implementation of social welfare schemes of government with the help of schools (in the context of West Bengal): The social welfare schemes like kanyasree, yuvasree, aikyasree etc are implemented by the government with the help of schools. So, the teachers always do work to implement these schemes rather than spending time with the students. So, students of these government schools are not assessed properly.

Lack of government funding: The expenditure of government in education sector is merely 3-4% of the GDP of our country. Without proper funds it is impossible to strengthen the education system of ours.

Lack of good education policy: Our country has a education policy of 90's which is already outdated. We need a strong skill-based education system. In today's world the need of skill is the most essential thing. Skills like software development, artificial intelligence, digital marketing are in demand. We need to introduce these courses to our education system so that our students can avail the courses for free.

This step has already been taken by the government of India and National Education Policy 2020 has already been announced.

The only need is the free flow of funds and proper monitoring of the actions taken.

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