Saturday, May 07, 2022

Cartographic Representation of Data and Techniques of Thematic Mapping

Techniques of Geographic Data Representation: Cartographic Techniques

Data is a set of observations concerned with a set of individuals and usually expressed in text or numerical form. Geography is a discipline of facts and figures related to spaceGeographic data are all those sorts of data related to the space and characteristics of objects in that space. It may be spatial or non-spatial. Geographic data are represented in a variety of ways based on the nature of data and the purpose of representation. 

In the following text you will find all the cartographic techniques and related videos. 


Follow the videos for better understanding: 

Video-1: Geographic Data I Types, Necessities


 Video-2: Types of Graphs

Video-3: Diagrams- Dimensionless & 1-Dimensional

Video-4: 2 & 3 Dimensional Diagrams

Video-5: Distribution Map

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