Sunday, June 19, 2022

Society and Environmental Pollution: Where is the Remedies


"We need to do something in our favour for the environment, because we already have made considerable negative impacts on the physical quality of the environment and as a result of this we are facing various sorts of environmental problems in the form of pollution, degradation, risks, hazards etc." 

Lots of discussions, researches, debates are going on at global, national and regional-local level in different parts of the world. Billions of dollars have already been spent for this.  Many conferences, debates have also been organised from time to time in academia at the international, national and local level. But we are able to take very few real steps so far in favour of the environment. Rather, we are in more competition for consuming more and more! As a result, piles of problems and crises have emerged to grab our livelihood. 

We generally used to discuss and debate on the environmental crises sitting in an airconditioned hall, with floods of lights!, water in plastic bottles, and use synthetic fibres. Many of us use our own comfortable private vehicle and avoid public vehicles. 

What environmental education are we carrying forward to our next generation? 

Our so-called development activities have severely been destroying the quality of the global environment much faster than we can assume and many of such problems have remained unexplored. 

Whether global warming is natural or man-made is still questionable but  it is certainly that air, water and land in our surroundings are degrading rapidly and putting adverse impacts to our life and life of other organisms. We are fragmenting, destroying the forests and habitats, modifying the natural system without fully understanding the processes and functions for the sake of so-called development. 

We are now in such a mode of economic system where:-

we are being addicted to consuming everything more and more

We are competing with each other more and more for consumption of world energy resources at the expense of the quality of the environment. 

We are debating on the quality and quantity of environmental degradation and impacts, asking our childs and students about the statistics of environmental losses already made, celebrating various days concerning various environmental components but not teaching them and preparing them to behave environmentally friendly. Not preparing themselves to develop an environmentally friendly attitude and sensitivity. The universal irony! 

Bill Gates (Just an example), one of the most high profile environmental advocates (for example), consumes hundreds times more energy than a common American and a thousand times more than a common Indian! Lakhs of high income people are around the world!

As we are becoming developed, we are becoming more environmentally unfriendly by our carbon-hungry activities. Top 10% of richest people contribute half of carbon emission in 2015 and poor 50% contribute only 7% of emission!...BBC

An individual action spreads worldwide taking its negative impacts into the global environment. “The bigger your carbon footprint, the bigger your moral duty towards the environment”- Thunberg. 

The process of globalisation in the economy and cultural world leading us  to the globalisation of pollution and environmental crisis, which in turn harms all the creatures living on this earth including humans. We are gradually entering into a threatened world. 

The community's attempt to conserve environmental quality and to prevent pollution is good but individual attempts should be the best. Small single blocks of brick create the superstructure. So, there are many things remaining to do and in this lecture I shall try to point out some of the individual attempts.

Individual Actions:

  • Stop using ACs, plant trees on your roof to keep home comfortable. Use trees for making plot boundaries. Consume less CO2 and be a smart economic person (by saving electricity at home and office, using green vehicles e.g. rickshaw, bicycle, electric vehicles)

  • Make life polythene free.
  • Recharge your underground water by simply sending your excess water to the underground.
  • Use more solar power than thermal power 
  • Save water, save life, don't waste water.
  • Create low gurbage and dispose properly. 
  • Make your life chemical free, aerosol free, (less use of pesticides, poisonous chemicals in daily life e.g. mosquito repellent, rat, cockroach killer)
  • Enjoy and celebrate the festive season without polluting the air and water and soil. 
  • Reuse, Recycle and Refuse as far as possible. 
  • Less travel to consume goods, services and recreation. Use public vehicles, stay healthy, stay with pride, leave false igo and demonstrate.
  • Help your kids to love the environment by putting them in environmentally friendly activities from childhood. Loving and respecting every component of the environment is religion. 

Problems towards remedies:

Rich people are competing with each other for more and more consumption and they didn't sacrifice their comfort and aristocracy whereas the poor are so distressed in life, and have no time to think of the environment . Though it is true, less impact is made by them on the environment. It is always true because wealthier people consume more as they have more surplus incomes. They consume more energy for their luxury needs. 

Poor people cannot afford an AC so he plants trees around his house but the wealthier people cut the trees and concretize the soil and install ACs in there houses. 

The irony is:

Poor never thought about environment but have environment friendly habits, on the other hand the wealthier people speak about environment but never build environment friendly habits.

Our administration is not very aware of the environmental pollution and hygiene. 


  • Environmental activists in every house
  • Environmental activist in every institution
  • Environmental activist in every industry
  • Environmental activist in every administration.

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